Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon will fight against tax-and-spend policies

| October 11, 2022 1:00 AM

We North Idahoans are suffering from the effects of poor U.S. fiscal and economic policy that is immoral, wasteful, and damaging to the economy of our country as a whole. We feel the pain from those bad policies every day as we head to the gas pumps and the grocery stores.

Fortunately, our Republican nominee for the state senate, Scott Herndon, understands these issues well and will fight for the common-sense limited spending and tax cuts that can get our state and nation back on the right track.

If you are tired of the kinds of tax-and-spend policies that are ruining our future like I am, make sure to get out and vote for Scott Herndon next month, on Nov. 8.

