Saturday, June 01, 2024

Don't fall for Herndon's hypocritical campaign

| October 23, 2022 1:00 AM

I’m even more committed to supporting Steve Johnson the District 1 state senate seat after reading Jennifer Cramer’s letter (Daily Bee, Oct. 13) when she pointed out the hypocrisy of Scott Herndon without realizing it: “As a small business owner and farmer, Scott understands how big government is always trying to take more control from local people; he will fight against big government expansion.”

Making laws that take away women’s rights is absolutely government overreach. Taking money from public education with vouchers creates inequities for students of Idaho and will cost taxpayers even more.

Write in Steve Johnson and fill in the box to vote for someone who supports women’s rights, public education and so much more. Don’t fall for the hypocritical campaign of his opponent.

