Saturday, June 01, 2024

Conservatives only want things their way

| October 25, 2022 1:00 AM

Again I find myself questioning the conservative Christians running for elective office. Scott Herndon comes to mind, he professes to be a Christian with his words but his actions speak much louder and they do not appear to be based in any Christianity of which I am aware. He wants to carry a gun to a local music festival saying it's his God-given right, I am not aware of God saying anything about guns at music festivals.

He professes to be a Christian family man but I don’t see it, too many inconsistencies in his history. More like a manipulative preacher saying  anything to further that persona. Look closely and vote no. He would be a legislator listening to only those that agree with him, how do you learn anything by only hearing one side. Separation of church and state, I read that somewhere?

Our country is changing partly because conservatives want it only their way; they blame others, never listening or compromising for the good of the country. Many support Trump, who is factually the biggest crook and “Putin want to be” that exists in politics. How can people ignore Jan. 6? As a famous conservative said, “I don’t care if it's good for the country, if a liberal thinks of it, I’m against it.”

If you want to find where our country is going wrong, follow the money, most likely it will lead to wealthy individuals and corporations that pay no taxes and care not what you pay for anything.

Biden is an easy target, blame him. Deflection, it works every time.


Clark Fork