Saturday, June 01, 2024

Three questions to ponder before you vote

| October 25, 2022 1:00 AM

The most important thing you can do with the upcoming election is to actually vote. No matter what anyone writes in the paper (yes, even my letter) it is your responsibility to do your due diligence and research the candidates and vote accordingly. Before you vote, if I may, I would like to pose three questions to you before you decide. Please ponder these seriously.

  1. Are you voting for the candidate because he’s “not that other guy”? You know, the one who is extremist and bigoted because the letters to the editor said so?

  2. What is the experience and track record of the person you are voting for? Have or do they hold office? Are they running as “the other guy” who appears to only have experience in running for varied political positions and losing?

  3. Is growing up here in Bonner County the “magic bullet” that makes you the right person to fill the office? Should elected offices just go to those who have lived here longer than the other guy?

