Saturday, June 01, 2024

Help stop extremism and save our democracy

| October 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Vote for Steve Johnson. Steve is the write-in candidate for Legislative District 1 State Senator. Steve's rational, intelligent, and honest voice will represent the rights and concerns of the vast majority of people in North Idaho. Help stop the attack on women's rights. Help stop the attempts to censor books in our libraries and schools that the religious and political extremists don't want us or our children to read. Help stop the diversion of public funds from our public schools and the blanket refusal of federal funding meant to help Idahoans. Help stop the senseless lies and conspiracy theories.

Vote for Steve Johnson. His integrity and honesty are without question.

Those of us against extremism of any type, be it religious or political, are the majority. Only if we all get out and vote can we take charge of, and stop, this relentless attack on our rights as citizens and the attack on democracy as a whole. Help all of us by keeping the Republicans from sending us back into the dark ages.

On the ballot, be sure to darken the oval and write in Steve Johnson on the blank line under Legislative District 1 State Senator.

