Saturday, June 01, 2024

Steve Johnson will guarantee freedom of choice

| October 30, 2022 1:00 AM

Quite a few years ago my son took a college literature class while still in high school, where they had to read “Ceremony” by Lesly Marmon Silko. Though the book portrayed documented abuse of Native Americans by white males, I took offense because it was quite explicit about sexual abuse and voyeurism.

As my discussion with my son and his friends had not convinced me that, besides the literature value of the book, the potential impact of the sexual abuse had been covered sufficiently in class, I approached the teacher. He maintained that if somebody is taking a college level class, they should be able to critically read any kind of book. Well, these young boys’ hormones were stronger than their frontal cortex and all they could remember from the book was the sex scenes. Not surprisingly we engaged in a very interesting conversation about healthy sex and impacts of sexual abuse, which I am sure would not have taken place, had this book not been on the reading list.

Scott Herndon is an ardent proponent of banning books in schools and libraries, that don’t fit into his personal worldview. I would like to be assured that my grandchildren will be exposed to a wide variety of books of their choice, while learning to critically evaluate on their own what they read. That is empowering our future generations! Steve Johnson will guarantee that freedom of choice. Please consider voting for him by using the write-in option.

