Saturday, June 01, 2024

Biden-Fauci effect hits West Bonner schools

| September 1, 2022 1:00 AM

Is our country better off now than on Jan. 20, 2021? I believe it is not. President Biden has reversed the work of President Trump. Dr. Anthony Fauci has changed direction because he learned more about the virus. Much of this lunacy has not surface here, until now.

The West Bonner County School Board embarked on a solution in search of a problem agenda. Lack of trust in the teachers and administrators is frustrating.

Critical race theory and social emotional learning concerns in the district are unfounded. West Bonner never surfaced while I served on Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin’s task force. Why the Biden-Fauci effect campaign of unraveling the work the board accomplished or changing direction on decisions approved just two months ago? Is there more known now or was the board pressured to change by a few?

A 3-1 vote rescinded the previous unanimous approval of the English Language Arts curriculum. Parents, the political winds say must be listened to, were ignored. Professionals who followed policy and state law were dismissed.

Now the board is responsible for an additional $10,000 expense to return the rejected curriculum and the district starts the year without a curriculum. Hopefully, the parents swept aside, will be heard. Teachers and administrators will continue to teach students and guide them toward success.

Is the West Bonner School District better off than just a few months ago? I think not.

