Saturday, June 01, 2024

Geezers gone wild in the woods

by PAUL GRAVES Contributing Writer
| September 2, 2022 1:00 AM

When Chris Bessler contacted Katie Cox of Kaniksu Land Trust and me about an interview on KRFY about the Geezer Forum meeting on Sept. 7 at Pine Street Woods, he characterized our meeting as “Geezers Gone Wild in the Woods.” I hope he’ll be right.

One of the more important matters we touched on in that radio interview is the issue of mobility at PSW. I’ve had a number of conversations with older adults who would like to attend, but are concerned about whether their own mobility challenges are up to being “in the woods” (let along “wild in the woods”.)

All I could tell them is what I’ve experienced there. I’m dealing with some leg issues myself, and walking can be awkward at times. But in mid-July, I volunteered for the “Trails and Tales” program for children.

We met at the parking lot and walked up the Meadow Trail. It was an easy walk up a wide path that moves between woods on the right and a large meadow on the left. My legs got a bit tired, but it was less a burden than an inconvenience.

At one point, we moved into a grove of trees where a bench was strategically placed. I sat there and read a children’s book to the children, parents, and a few grandparents.

Then we traveled a path into the meadow and stopped beneath a tree where I found another bench. Another book to read to the children, then we walked back to the outdoor education center.

For our Sept. 7 Geezer Forum, Regan Plumb, conservation director for KLT will lead the walking geezers-in-training on a guided, educational walk on the Meadow Trail. For geezers-in-training who choose to not walk, there will be some short, hands-on learning opportunities led by staff from the Folk School. These leaders will teach hand-skills they use to teach the children and youth during the summer-long day camps at PSW.

Before we take our walks or learn from the Folk Center staff, Katie Cox will give a general orientation about both PSW and KLT. There are some very exciting things happening both in the year-round programing at PSW, and some large projects KLT is developing. Come and learn what they are.

I know that the Geezer Forum doesn’t usually start out in the fall wandering through the woods. But then, many geezers-in-training don’t spend much time wandering through the woods. This is a great time to either check out the firs, pines, etc. up close and personally – perhaps for the first time, perhaps as a return from more youthful time spent in the woods.

Either way, you won’t be barking up the wrong tree by joining us on Sept. 7, 2-4 p.m.

We will meet at the parking lot of PSW. The directions to get there are pretty simple. Go west up Pine Street. Turn right when the road forks (don’t go straight, up the graveled road). Go past Selkirk School, turn left and continue up the hill. Just over the top of the hill you will see a sign on the left that says “Pine Street Woods.” Take that road about .6 of a mile. It’s fairly narrow, so pay attention. The parking lot is at the top of that road. If you aren’t sure of these directions, you can call KLT at 208-263-9471.

And while you’re at it, please check out KLT’s website,, and see the special things they’re doing.

Paul Graves, M.Div., is lead geezer-in-training for Elder Advocates, a consulting ministry on aging issues. He can be reached at 208-610-4971 or