Saturday, June 01, 2024

Congress controls the purse strings, not president

| September 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Biden illegally forgave $10,000 of student debt to everyone, and $20,000 to those with Pell grants. This isn’t his to forgive — Congress controls the purse strings, not the Executive Branch. All he’s doing here is buying votes

The White House isn’t even able to put a price on it, but estimates range from $329-500 billion in new debt. That’s at least $2085 for every one of 160 million taxpayers, while only 38% of Americans have a college degree.

Life is full of choices – each student consciously signed up for their loans. But, If you worked your way through college, or paid your college loans, or your parents were thrifty their entire lives at the expense of luxuries and family vacations, or you chose to join the trades and start a family, or you served in the military to earn your education – you’re a sucker!

In the near term, Biden’s throwing gas on the inflation fire that’s kicking our butts. In the long term, he increased the national debt.

College loans are fraught with problems. Easy money has resulted in colleges adding frills and overhead to compete for students then raising tuitions exponentially. They offer extraneous degrees with little benefit to society and no prospects of wages sufficient to pay back loans. Colleges are advertised as a panacea to life’s challenges, luring in students who have no business in higher education.

It’s time to sound off to our elected representatives. They must be flooded with demands to immediately reverse this illegal order.

