Saturday, June 01, 2024

Society progresses to right the wrongs of the past

| September 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Mr. Cannon,

I have been described as many things in my life, but nice is not one of them. Nice doesn't get the work done to make this world, or even this small rural county, safe for all people.

Rather, compassionate advocate, direct, and unwilling to accept outdated ideas as truth would be better descriptors. You see, gender is a construct, and you seem to believe that sex and gender are the same. Heavens, in my Sociology 101 class in 1996 I learned the difference. I would have assumed that people knew the difference by now.

Society at different points in history forces its ideals on its citizens for one thing — control. Five hundred years ago, I would  have been hanged for having opinions. One hundred years ago, I barely would have had the right to vote. Sixty years ago, I couldn't have a credit card without my husband's permission or take birth control.

The point is, society progresses to right the wrongs of the past created by our ignorant forefathers. Luckily, we're still progressing. (See? Progressive isn't a dirty word).

To assume that someone dressed in drag is going to harm a child's psyche is outdated and silly. The drag queen/king community exists to serve as stewards by spreading love and acceptance.

For you to demand that others not allow their children to attend an event because you feel you know best is overstepping and closed-minded. Rather, people of my ilk want children to know that we love and care for people because they are humans worthy of dignity and respect, not because they fall within an outdated belief system created by an angry white man who wanted control and power hundreds of years ago.

The Christ I believe in would have been friends with all of those you deem indecent or immoral. And while I thank you for your "nice" offer to help this poor lady, I assure you I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. Why, I can even change a tire without breaking a nail.

Instead of looking for those who you deem need saving, I'd encourage you to look within at why you feel the need to be defined by your idea of what a man is or is not. And don't worry. If I see you on the side of the road with a flat, I'll help you because you're a human being worthy of dignity and love and not just a man in need of rescue. 

