Saturday, June 01, 2024

Johnson is the right pick for District 1 seat

| September 11, 2022 1:00 AM

Passing his driver’s test was what kept Calvin in class; 15 years old and still unable to read. For 22 years I taught high school and Calvin was one of far too many young men we lost. How many more children does Scott Herndon want to fail by pulling money out of public education?  

Steve Johnson, who is running a write-in campaign for the District 1 state Senate seat, has plans that support the education standards and funding that we Idahoans need for future growth. Despite the whopping 21% population growth that region has seen in the last ten years, Steve will fight to preserve our rural lifestyle! Steve also has the best plans for cutting our property taxes and not turning our back on the federal dollars that fund 45% of Idaho’s total budget.

Please vote early, in person on your election date, or request an absentee ballot at

