Saturday, June 01, 2024

Represent us all with your vote

| September 20, 2022 1:00 AM

Remember Shawn Keough, long-time, 12-year state Republican senator? In 2018 she endorsed Republican Jim Woodward and he represented our area well the last four years. I hoped we could depend on Jim for another two years, but Scott Herndon won the Republican nomination using much out of state money for publicity, telling lies about Jim in order to win.

For many years Mr. Herndon has been at The Farmers Market, The Sandpoint Festival, churches, and schools with his anti-abortion signs and a loud bull horn. His approach is lately to include legal decisions about what birth control a woman can use. He wants to make it a crime of murder if a physician intentionally ends a pregnancy to save the life of a mother. As a woman, I am disgusted to think he could be in our legislature and make decisions about any woman's medical program.

Steve Johnson, running as an independent, is a logical thinker, former educator, logger, and local rancher for 40 years; he is running for State Senator as a write-in candidate. Steve will work to reduce your property taxes, support quality education, and preserve our rural lifestyle; he cares about all Idahoans. Steve Johnson, in line with Keough's and Woodward's philosophies, will represent us all with thoughtful, caring diligence and fairness.

Write in Steve Johnson for Idaho state senator on Nov. 8, and color in the bubble by his name, as if your own freedom depends on it. It does.

