Saturday, June 01, 2024

Questions to ask yourself this election

| September 22, 2022 1:00 AM

Questions to ask yourself before voting independent, Democrat or Republican:

What is my children's future prosperity worth?

Should the two-year emergency declaration be set as precedent because the one in charge is reelected?

Was it the proper policy and will the administrator do it again?

Was it about taking funding from the Fed which was unnecessary? (3.5 billion surplus in the last two years)

Will the candidate be out of jail before taking office?

Who's going to pay for the federal money?

What percentage will my grandchildren pay?

What will the interest rate be for the money over the next 70 years?

Where is their money coming from for their campaign? Lobbyists?

Too big to be shut down corporations?

I'm voting for real change. Learn more at

