Saturday, June 01, 2024

BCRCC has much in common with communist countries

| August 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Previous to the Idaho Republican Party this year and their county central committees, the only political parties I am aware of that enforced adhering to their platforms were communist in Russia, China, and North Korea. Platforms here used to be aspirational: a guide for voters, candidates, and electeds for generally what to expect. Censuring and excluding some electeds from the party is alarming.

An elected person in the U.S. swears to uphold the laws and the Constitution. Not any party. Whole libraries exist interpreting the Constitution. Perhaps the BCRCC should consult nationally noted constitutional scholars before rendering judgment. Please remember: if it looks simple, you almost surely don’t have all the needed information.

Apparently, the BCRCC is concerned because public comment is not currently allowed at the Board of County Commission meetings. But issues should be the focus of comments, not personal attacks. We have plenty of important issues. Constructive comments are the most effective.

Commissioners cannot enforce the ordinance requiring civility. They aren’t bouncers. So their option is to eliminate the comments and attacks. Enforcement is the duty of the sheriff and prosecutor.

BCRCC: Please ask these gentlemen to enforce the ordinance. Sandpoint Police do that for their city council. We elect the sheriff and prosecutor to enforce the laws, including civility at public meetings. I used to attend BOCC meetings, but today I’m among those intimidated to attend, and so our freedom is being trampled. I would appreciate your constructive help in changing this.

