Saturday, June 01, 2024

Yes, climate change is certainly a crisis

| August 8, 2023 1:00 AM

The evidence is everywhere. Climate change is certainly a crisis, and if we do not pay attention and make changes, the planet (our only home) is doomed. Just ask any legitimate scientist. Or anyone who is living in the scorching heat or tragic flooding in the Southwest and East Coast. The water temperature in the Florida Keys is as warm as a hot tub.

We here in North Idaho are lucky, at least for now. But no single community is immune. "Fire weather" is making us even more vulnerable to devastating droughts and catastrophic forest fires. I know that a logical explanation and alarm sounding is lost on climate change deniers. But the rest of us know the truth and will be doing all we can to save our planet in spite of "head in the sand" insistence of the few that say the climate crisis is a myth.

Nope, it is as real as it gets.

