Saturday, June 01, 2024

Why is sidewalk near airport neglected?

| August 10, 2023 1:00 AM

I recently tried to take a walk on Boyer Avenue while visiting my in-laws in Sandpoint. I’m guessing the sidewalk maintenance along the airport on Boyer Avenue is shared or equally ignored by both the city and homeowners.

At this point, it’s an overgrown nature trail unusable by anyone unless packing a machete.

I stopped and talked to a man sitting in a wheelchair, unable to go either way, who spoke of the bright side: "It’s not a problem in the winter."

If the city can’t do better either by cutting down the brush or at least enforcing it, maybe just rename the sidewalk. A couple of suggestions: the Noxious Weed Trail or the Neglected Path of No Return.

City of Sandpoint, we can do better.

