Saturday, June 01, 2024

State needs to step in to help WBCSD

| August 15, 2023 1:00 AM

Gov. Little, Attorney General Labrador, Superintendent Critchfield, Idaho State Board of Education, Bonner County Prosecutor Marshall, et al.,

I am writing to beg you to take a serious look at what is happening in the West Bonner County School District.

I have written before, and the responses I have gotten have the same cookie-cutter response — this is a local issue and the state is going to treat it as such. We elected these board members. We have to deal with the consequences.

Well, we are dealing with the consequences. Our children are dealing with the consequences. Our community is dealing with the consequences. And soon, the entire state will be too.

Since Branden Durst was voted in as the new superintendent, teachers have quit (a third of our staff, actually), staff has been fired, new staff has been hired and there is a serious problem with this.

Two district office staff members did not have their contracts renewed (without cause). A new staff member was hired, and when Mr. Durst was asked (by a current teacher, no less) if someone else were to apply would they be considered? Mr. Durst’s response was “no,” because he wants someone “he knows will do what he says.” You can see a video of this from the Wednesday, July 5, board meeting, streamed on the WBCSD’s Facebook page. 

As of right now, there are people working in the District Office, Branden Durst and Brandee Paradee, who have not had their background checks done. These two people now have access to all of the district's financials, all of the confidential student and employee files, etc. These two people are also pushing hard for a forensic audit of our district's finances. Another new employee, Melissa Reilly, wife of Dave Reilly, Editor of the Idaho Tribune, now has access to all of these files as well. Whitney Urmann, a teacher who worked at Priest Lake Elementary School last year, has been targeted by the Idaho Tribune, Senator Scott Herndon, and others for her personal beliefs. Melissa Reilly now has access to her banking information, social security number, health records, etc. How. Inappropriate. These people also have access to IEPs, 504s, etc. and have not had background checks completed.

Mr. Durst has yet to apply for his superintendent's endorsement. He and the board also failed to submit the WBCSD budget to the state in a timely fashion.

Mr. Durst and the Idaho Freedom Foundation are playing dirty, and it is time to stop this game. Because to them, it is a game. It is not a game to me. They are messing with my community, my daughter, and my home.

Mr. Labrador, my husband coached your son, Josh, for years. I went to almost every game and I watched Josh LIGHT UP on the field. I believe he went on to play college ball. What an experience and opportunity he had. Eagle High had great teachers, coaching staff, and community. My child may not get the opportunity to have great teachers or ANY coaching staff for that matter, if Mr. Durst and his cronies stay in office and keep pulling the… stuff… they are pulling.

Please step in. Please help our community. I am begging for help. Our community is begging for help. Please, do whatever you can.


Priest River