Saturday, June 01, 2024

Board actions are grounds for recall

| August 16, 2023 1:00 AM

During contract negotiations, Branden Durst has shown a lack of financial understanding in regards to the district budget, and is relying heavily on the support and assistance from the state Department of Education for clarification and understanding of the District’s budget.

He has also demonstrated a lack of understanding regarding the software programs and procedures to run the district efficiently.

In and of itself, the two above instances are cause for concern. But the salient issue is that Durst wasn’t hired for his expertise in managing a school district (remember, he has zero experience).

In fact, it’s obvious that WBCSD board members Rutledge and Brown aren’t concerned a bit about Durst’s poor performance as long as their overall objective is met: First, to annihilate the district as it currently stands. Second, to replace it with Christian charter schools.

Durst has admitted on his Twitter account (Dec. 29, 2022) that he will be “Putting together incorporation documents and an application to open Idaho’s first Christian charter school. The school will leverage Hillsdale curriculum. There will be emphasis on biblical worldview and training up the next generation in Truth”.

Why, then, do Rutledge, Brown and Durst feel the need to rely on obfuscation and misrepresentation of what their true intentions are, while harming the very thing they are purporting to save? Not only is that un-Christian, but grounds for recall.


Priest River