Saturday, June 01, 2024

Facts: Setting the record straight

| August 17, 2023 1:00 AM

Here are the actual facts to set the record straight.

Was the WBCSD office staff fired? Yes, they absolutely were. They were sent emails from Mr. Durst saying that they were all terminated and no longer employed by the district. They were fired; they did not quit.

Did the ELA curriculum cost $20,000 to return? No, but it was not the $3,300 that they are telling you. It was a total of $9075.66. The district office has the receipts; that's a fact.

The recall effort is not a political one. Those in favor of the recall are community members, parents, grandparents, former teachers, business owners and good-hearted people. Our children's education is our top priority. Spreading misinformation is not.

Vote for the recall Aug. 29.


Priest River