Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sorry, Chicken Little, it was just an acorn

| August 17, 2023 1:00 AM

Canadian wildfires are "unprecedented." "Last June was the warmest globally on record." "Earth experienced its hottest days on record during July." "Record-breaking, deadly heat waves." "Unprecedented flooding." "Climate change has reached crisis proportions." "Climate change is certainly a crisis, and if we do not pay attention and make changes, the planet is doomed." "The Florida Keys is as warm as a hot tub."

Climate alarmists are certainly working overtime to convince us that, if we do not drastically alter our way of life, then we are doomed. But where is their evidence?

While frightening claims are made about crises and doom, no proof is offered to support those claims. The truth is that the alarmists are operating on speculation and the spreading of misinformation, most of which they get from junk science and the liberal media.

They make it seem that the waters around Florida are too hot to swim in, but just look at the many live web cameras on Florida beaches. People are swimming, and children are splashing and playing. There is no crisis there.

A live beach-front web cam from Delaware on Aug. 8 showed a very busy crowd of people enjoying their day. The same was true of Galveston, Texas, San Diego, California and Newport, Ore. These live web cams are proof that climate alarmists, having no regard for truth, are simply pushing a misleading agenda.

The sky is not falling; all is well. Sorry, Chicken Little, just an acorn.

