Saturday, June 01, 2024

WBCSD, do your own homework

| August 17, 2023 1:00 AM

Recall. Replace. Rebuild. That’s catchy and a nice play on the three R’s. Just wondering what you’re planning on replacing and rebuilding with? Because I hope it’s not the same people, policies, and procedures (see what I did there?) that have made PRLHS the worst performing high school in North Idaho.

I find it deliciously ironic that the parents who are screaming about their kids being used as pawns or indoctrinated with propaganda are willing to base their voting decisions on catchy signage, third-hand gossip, or witty social media memes instead of actual first-hand research of the issues. How many of you have looked up and compared your schools’ past performance with the State Board of Education (, attended one of Superintendent Durst’s Q&A sessions, talked with school board members, or asked the recall proponent’s what their actual plan is for rebuilding WBSD and improving its dismal performance record? Judging by attendance, maybe 5%.

I would be more impressed with your community if you worked together to identify and fix the root cause of WBCSD’s actual problems instead of fighting ideology with ideology or playing on Facebook. I’m not advocating for voting one way or the other in this election; that is your decision to make. What I am suggesting is that you at least make the slightest effort to study the actual material before you take the test Aug. 29.

