Saturday, June 01, 2024

Truth about two controversial questions

| August 23, 2023 1:00 AM
  1. Why recall two school trustees in WBCSD who are:

• Shielding our students from social-emotional learning, the sly gateway to critical race theory, which is illegal in Idaho.

• Demanding accountability and transparency from district finances that the auditor stated "are messed up."

• Hiring a superintendent who has completed three of the five steps toward a superintendent license, while the other candidate had only one step completed.

  1. How is the WBCSD superintendent (Branden Durst) performing?

• In only one month, he has filled 32 staffing positions.

• Improved the high school math department by hiring two master-level math teachers.

• Hired one of our highest-scoring 6th grade teachers as the new junior high principal.

• Created one of the strongest staff at the high school, as stated by the principal.

• Hired a new curriculum director, a greatly needed new position.

• Qualified our district for federal funds by hiring a hybrid doctorate-level special education director.

• Increased our bus routes to 12.

• Combined operations and facilities, saving our district money.

• Presented, and trustees adopted, the strongest protection policy for females and (biological) female athletes in the state.

Vote against the recall Aug. 29.


Priest River