Saturday, June 01, 2024

Let's keep junior high standing proud

| August 24, 2023 1:00 AM

I was going to write this letter to remind everyone about voting. After last week's 3Cs meeting, I thought I'd better touch on the junior high school. Shutting it down for repairs, in my opinion, doesn't make sense. Doing that makes it fit into the plans of some other people who have their own plans for that building. We're not the dummies you think we are. Your own plan is easy to see; it fits right into your agenda, which is also easy to figure out.

At the 3Cs meeting, three gentlemen stood up to speak for whom I have great regard. Many other people spoke as well, and all should be listened to. Mr. Parenteau, Mr. Go, and Mr. Lamanna (catch the last name here, as in Priest River Lamanna High School) all spoke about the importance of keeping that school going.

The boiler is an issue, but not as much as Mr. Durst makes it out to be. Like everything else, it's fixable or replaceable, more than likely for less cost than buying portables would be. We have many mills in the area that have boilers, which means we have lots of individuals in the area who know boilers and how to repair them. They would volunteer their help. That would also save the money you want to spend on a professional study on what it needs. Please use common sense. If you don't have any of your own, consult with people who do. We have lots of them in our district.

The junior high school is on the National Register of Historic Buildings. That means there is grant money available for its upkeep. The community is proud of that building. It means a lot to us. Its location is such that all visitors to the community can easily see it. It stands proud. There is more to be said, but space doesn't allow it. Until next time.


Priest River