Saturday, June 01, 2024

Recall is a chance to set things right

| August 24, 2023 1:00 AM

I’ve just read that the special education director that “Superintendent” Branden Durst lined up has quit. It’s just another item in a long list of screw-ups that have plagued this district since he was hired. We haven’t even started the school year, and we’re already in deep, deep trouble due to his “leadership.” I can’t imagine how much worse off the students at WBCSD will be once the school year starts.

However, upon closer inspection of all the incomprehensible and irrational decisions he has made, two things are abundantly clear:

  1. Durst doesn’t care one whit about the students of this district; they are a means to an end (neither does Keith Rutledge nor Susan Brown, for that matter).
  2. The decisions Durst is making have only one purpose: to dismantle the district and replace it with charter schools. His “bad” decisions are by design. It is an extremely underhanded tactic that has been initiated by the IFF.

Board Chair Rutledge and Vice-Chair Brown are responsible for bringing this to our town. They are the ones who have put politics in front of the students' best interests. They are the ones who have hired a failed politician whose only value to them is his ability to obfuscate, deceive and lie. Rutledge and Brown don’t care what he says or does, as long as their goals are achieved.

Don't let them get away with it.

Tuesday, Aug. 29, is your opportunity to set this right and to tell the IFF in no uncertain terms that this community won’t stand for their unwelcome intrusion.


Priest River