Saturday, June 01, 2024

We are Priest River, we are for recall

| August 24, 2023 1:00 AM

While citizens of West Bonner County School District try to correct the mistake that was made, admittedly by ourselves, and recall Keith Rutledge and Susan Brown from the WBCSD board, it has made us stronger as a community.

We now know more about what we are made of and how strong we are when we come together. Never again will we become complacent about elections, uninformed about candidates, or blindly trust those we elect.

The extremist agenda supported by Keith Rutledge and Susan Brown and being implemented by Branden Durst must be rejected. If allowed to spread, our children and community will suffer.

We are conservatives, independents, libertarians and liberals. We are parents, grandparents, community members, taxpayers and educators. We are Priest River.


Priest River