Saturday, June 01, 2024

Here's to our unsung board heroes

| June 4, 2023 1:00 AM

Here’s to our unsung heroes who serve, without an agenda and for no pay, on community boards for our sewer, water, libraries, bike associations, conservation groups and hospitals. I’ve seen firsthand the amount of work that goes into managing budgets, studying other communities, considering public input and planning. It’s a lot of work, particularly with all the high growth in our county.

So, why are these board seats sometimes hotly contested? Why yard signs, texts and flyers?

A small group seeks to concentrate power, control the narrative and drag national culture wars to North Idaho. They distract through fear with claims of porn in the libraries and a lurking cabal of liberal devils. Visit our libraries. There is no porn, just a joyful learning atmosphere.

This is not a battle of good vs. evil. It’s a battle to consolidate control into the hands of a few ambitious people. And, they are activating good, God-fearing people to do their bidding.

Idahoans are fiercely independent. Don’t let a small group of people control us, stir up neighbors to hate and drain our tax dollars with frivolous lawsuits. Don’t believe the propaganda. We protected Bonner County from the distractors in this election. Let’s keep protecting it.

