Saturday, June 01, 2024

Just who are the experts on Idaho values?

| June 6, 2023 1:00 AM

I find it interesting some people move to North Idaho, and after just a couple years, they become experts on what it takes to be a real Idahoan, someone with real Idaho values.

A good number of these “instant experts” happen to be from California, like the current leader of the Republican party. Evidently, he thinks lying about native Idahoans is a good value because that’s how he won the primary election in 2022. I would like to know how long the members of the Bonner County Republican Republican Central Committee have lived here.

In fact, I believe all political letters to the editor should include how long the writer has lived in North Idaho. Maybe instead of bad-mouthing and lying about people who have lived here a long time they could keep their mouths shut, and learn how we got along just fine before they ever showed up.

As for me, this has been my home since 1957.

