Saturday, June 01, 2024

Herndon engaged in hateful rhetoric and lies

| June 8, 2023 1:00 AM

In his response (Daily Bee, May 25) to my letter (Daily Bee, May 23), not once did Scott Herndon deny that he is in bed with Americans For Prosperity. Can’t deny the truth, right Scott?

In defeating Jim Woodward, Herndon engaged in hateful rhetoric and lies.

Herndon and his puppet masters (another is listed below) are now engaged in a slick campaign of mailed cards to sanitize his image by portraying him as being a reasonable, nice guy. This is simply a case of a wolf trying to wear sheep’s clothing.

With his record of hateful lies, Herndon can never be taken for his word. He will claim he is not for vouchers for private schools, which is just another of his lies. Herndon’s masters want a taxpayer-funded voucher system for private religious schools and he is doing their bidding.

That makes Herndon a closet socialist.

Herndon’s May 26 mailing lists another of his masters “Yes, Every Kid.”

This is on their website: “Today in most states, schools are funded before students. That means someone besides a family is making decisions about money, what is best for the student, and where that student is best served. Students and families should be the primary decision-makers, not bureaucratic systems. That’s why every family should get to decide how their student’s education funding is spent. Fund Every Kid allows families to control their children’s educational funding and spend it to design an education system that suits their unique needs.”

Those who are for a taxpayer-funded voucher system easily understand the above is a coded message for vouchers.

This is right out of the pro-voucher playbook. Make it sound like they’re only promoting public education when what they are really after is a taxpayer-funded voucher system for private schools. Socialism.

By the way, if Herndon really cares about children, and in light of the hundreds of kids who have been murdered in mass shootings, Herndon would be pushing for banning assault weapons like the AR-15, which he is not.

What this means, for Herndon, the lives of the unborn are more important than the lives of living children.

As a veteran, I found Herndon’s hateful lies directed at Navy veteran Jim Woodard shameful.

Herndon ran from military service and had the audacity to attack Jim Woodward who served honorably as a submarine officer in the U.S. Navy for 21 years of active and reserve service.

