Saturday, June 01, 2024

County residents deserve answer on RV site

| June 11, 2023 1:00 AM

Who knew going to the Bonner County commissioner meetings would turn into a blood sport?

After today's (May 30, 2023) meeting, the small world of Bonner County will never be the same. The two men on the Bonner County Board of County Commissioners made an obvious effort to keep the lone female commissioner "in her place" as subservient to the men on the board. How? Why, you ask? Well, why is simple: she dared question their intentions and methods concerning the RV park expansion for the fairgrounds.

I'm as hard-core conservative as they come, but even I can see the need to expand the RV parking at the fairgrounds. The questionable part comes when we look at where the two male commissioners have for months insisted the new RV parking be placed. They have insisted, in contradiction to the fair board's stated desires, on placing the RV park on ground slated for a future justice center.

Over and over, for months, citizens have queried the two male commissioners on why they insist on taking space allocated to the building of a justice center. Not once have either of the two male commissioners given even a clue as to why the RV park must be placed in the future justice center space.

This is even more of a puzzle since the fair board requested the RV park be placed in the opposite corner of the fair property, which the commissioners insist on. So any reasonable person would ask, "Why?" I have asked why, week after week, in the commissioner meetings. Still, there is no answer.

We are at the point where a reasonable person asks what motives are behind this push. Vendetta against the sheriff? Bribe? Or perhaps someone is holding the commissioners' pet hamster hostage? The citizens of Bonner County deserve an answer.

