Saturday, June 01, 2024

Durst is a wise choice for rural North Idaho

| June 13, 2023 1:00 AM

It’s always been a fact of rural life that when something important to you is broken, you have to do your best to fix it and get it up and running again, even amidst the pressure of those who choose to pretend the same old methods will fix it. And often, those fixes require some creativity and rural ingenuity. We can’t afford to continue to just throw more and more money at broken systems like cities do, hoping that they’ll magically fix themselves with every increasing dollar we pour into them, at the expense of everyone’s tax dollars being used for continued failure.

That’s why Branden Durst is the right superintendent for West Bonner County. His first reaction to our school district’s situation was to be frank and call it what it really is: in need of some repair. His second reaction was to level-set with a forensic audit in order to clear the air with all the district residents. And his third reaction was to listen to the community and start getting creative with solutions. Durst even demonstrated his fix-it attitude when asked how he would bridge a potential funding gap this upcoming year. There were at least two solid ideas in his on-the-spot answer.

I would encourage you to stop listening to the blatant lies of the media and those in, as well as those outside of, our community, who have chosen to spread misinformation that has sought to damage the reputation of someone who cares deeply about children, their parents, and the future of Idaho. What I’ve noticed in the past few years is that those who are doing the greatest amount of good, by sharing truth in a world full of charlatans with special interests, is that those truth-speakers are attacked the most. Please join me in standing in support of Branden Durst. 


Spirit Lake