Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jesus is the answer

by PASTOR SCOTT ACKLIN / Contributing Writer
| June 16, 2023 1:00 AM

Everywhere we look we can see clearly that people are struggling; not just in the world where people don’t believe in Jesus, but even in the churches.

There are people out there facing some of the hardest things they have ever faced — from financial troubles to losing loved ones. We see the pain everywhere, and, in many cases, we feel a similar pain from our own battles and losses, and these hard times can make us feel very alone.

Even as a pastor, I am no stranger to facing struggles and hardships, and I will also say that as a pastor, I know that I must live out the Word daily. Not only in front for all to see, but in my private time as well.

It is in doing this that I found the not-so-secret way to thrive during hardship. The answer is Jesus. I know that seems like a copout and an obvious answer, but I assure you that it is true.

First, not only must we give our lives to Him and surrender to His will, but we also must know and believe that what God said in Jeremiah 29:11. It says that He knows the plans He has for us, and they are to prosper us and not harm us — it is truth!

It is in Jesus that we see that we have no need to worry about tomorrow because He has our best interest in mind, and if we see that in us then we can also see that in others.

As Matthew 13:44 points out the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure found in a field, if God sees the treasure in us, then shouldn’t we also look for the treasure in others? It is in doing so that we realize that as Jesus served the weak, dirty, and alone in the name of the Father, so should we. It is only in Jesus will we lovingly want to embrace those who are in hardship, by either supporting financially or simply being a listening ear.

It is in Jesus do we see that, “When one suffers, we all suffer and when one rejoices, we all rejoice”, 1 Corinthians 12:26. If we see our value in Jesus, then we become one in Jesus and never have to face these hard times alone.

The world needs us to figure this out, the world needs to see us act in His love as seen in John 13:35. That is when they will see Jesus fully and in all hopes be drawn to repentance.

Pastor Scott Acklin ministers at New Fire Ministries.