Saturday, June 01, 2024

Trio has led district through challenges

| June 18, 2023 1:00 AM

I want to publicly thank Keith Rutledge, Susan Brown, and Troy Reinbold for all that they have done for our West Bonner County School District this year.

The road has been challenging. They have shown perseverance and real hearts of service to our community in making the tough decisions that truly represent the majority of school district residents.

Standing up to a well-organized special interest group that is used to having things their way can’t be easy, but the right thing to do never is.

We appreciate the sacrifices you have made on our behalf to protect the families of the district and our neighbors without children, who together entrust you with the administration of our public schools and the fiduciary responsibility of spending our hard-earned tax dollars wisely.

We look forward to engaging with you and Mr. Durst to improve our schools and make them a valuable asset to our community and a model for other areas of the state and country. God bless.

