Saturday, June 01, 2024

Durst’s selection goes against reason

| June 20, 2023 1:00 AM

Parents are fearing what the school board’s recent decisions mean for their children going into the West Bonner County School District. These individuals of the Idaho Freedom Foundation have organized a hostile environment toward the families who are concerned about the direction School District No. 83 is heading.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation is a political group that open speaks out against public education, and the “indoctrination” of our youth. If you look on this group’s website, you will find articles such as “why public school kids still can’t read” and “get your children out of public schools.”

As a Republican and proud American myself, I do believe that these individuals have the right to their opinions. However the question must be asked: If this group is so against public education, then why is Branden Durst, a senior analyst for the group, pushing so hard to be voted in as our superintendent?

I implore every person reading this to ask themselves the same question. In our local public schools, I was taught to listen to reason, and Mr. Durst wanting this position, knowing what he believes in, goes against all reason.

