Saturday, June 01, 2024

The only climate crisis is political

| June 25, 2023 1:00 AM

In my letter (Daily Bee, June 4), I stated very clearly that we are not in any kind of climate crisis. I never said that climate change is not real. I only hope that the Bee’s readers are smart enough to recognize the facts.

Climate change is real, but a climate crisis is not. That is what I believe and have always claimed. Read the last paragraph of my June 4 letter.

Climate change has been happening since the beginning of the world, but only the left-wing communists/socialists of this world say that there is a climate “crisis.” And that is because they want to scare people into accepting domination by a one-world government, an agenda of the communists since the days of Karl Marx. They tried it with COVID, too, with lockdowns and forced vaccines and people losing their jobs. But this tactic backfired on them as people began to grasp the reality of the situation.

Hopefully, people will eventually see the truth about the supposed climate “crisis.” The only real crisis is a political one. It is a matter of good versus evil, just as it has been throughout all of man’s history. The good recognizes that climate change is real and a normal part of God’s creation. The evil distorts the facts and makes the false claim that mankind is to blame for a supposed climate “crisis.”

My prayer is that people will stop believing the evil and turn to the good instead.

