Saturday, June 01, 2024

BOCC needs to reject 'severance' deal

| June 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Dear Steve Bradshaw and Luke Omodt.

I use this term lightly — I have heard and seen the behavior you exhibit at commissioners meetings. I have heard you wanted to shut down voter comments. We are a small community and we hear when politicians violate our freedom to request redress from our government.

Now to the subject at hand:

I am firmly opposed to a year’s severance pay when a county employee retires. From what I read, there are no details listed on the proposal that will ever make me comfortable with the commissioners deciding this “benefit.”

  • You are proposing to spend my tax dollars that will in turn increase the county budget needlessly. They are already too big.
  • The increase in property taxes can be laid directly at your feet. The people of this county are being priced out of home ownership due to the large increase in the county budget.
  • I thought the two of you campaigned to reduce government regulations and costs. Oh, wait, you accepted the increased pay for your positions. You need to return it to the treasury.
  • Why do you propose to add additional budget at this time, with the road collapse - a road that was never properly maintained - will already challenge the current budget?

Since when do you decide this “benefit” without a vote from your constituents?

Businesses can’t institute new benefits without the approval of their boards.

No, no, no to this proposed use of my taxes.

