Saturday, June 01, 2024

Fulcher doesn’t respect major law enforcement agencies

| June 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Russ Fulcher, our congressman representing North Idaho, doesn’t respect the two major law enforcement agencies in this country — The Justice Department and the FBI.

Donald Trump was charged by the Justice Department recently with removing and storing documents containing classified and sensitive information and refusing to return them, and then obstructing the government’s effort to get them back.

As a member of Idaho’s our-man Congressional delegation, none of whom has served in the military, Fulcher apparently has no idea how the release of this sensitive information could affect or harm our military forces at home and abroad.

It turns out one of our representatives even voted against a bill to expand VA health benefits and provide benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances.

Trump has endangered all our military forces by storing these files in bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets and by showing some of them to unauthorized personnel.

Trump — “Cadet Bonespur” as some have named him because of his excuse for not serving in the military — is facing a trial and if convicted should do jail time. Our representatives who support him are facing re-elections of their own.

