Saturday, June 01, 2024

Letter shows misunderstanding of Herndon, positions

| June 29, 2023 1:00 AM

Democrat Steve Johnson's recent letter shows a lack of understanding of who Scott Herndon is and what Scott Herndon stands for. Herndon is a staunch conservative, and quite unapologetic about his principles. His steadfast commitment to conservative ideals has resonated deeply within his district.

I recently joined McShane LLC, a firm that takes pride in supporting principled conservatives like Herndon. We stand by our campaigns and the candidates we represent. Each claim made in the campaign materials we designed for Scott Herndon was substantiated and fact-checked. We uphold the highest standards of honesty in our work because we respect voters' intelligence and their right to accurate information.

Steve Johnson's accusation that we are preparing to serve Idaho by highlighting the voting records of other politicians throughout Idaho is quite correct. However, I invite Steve to point out a single untruth in our campaign materials. I am certain Senator Herndon feels the same way, as he signed off on every piece of messaging that was sent out.

Those who are keen on criticizing Scott Herndon for hiring McShane LLC fail to acknowledge that employing strategic counsel is a common practice in political campaigns. Even Herndon’s opponent sought out political strategists from Utah. Other candidates in Idaho have even engaged consultants from Washington, D.C. To single out Herndon for engaging a consulting firm is unfair, misleading, and frankly hypocritical.


Coeur d’Alene