Saturday, June 01, 2024

Fear of ticket ends in woman's arrest

Staff Writer | May 30, 2023 1:00 AM

A Bonner County woman was arrested earlier this month on charges she resisted law enforcement after allegedly attempting to elude them for fear of getting a ticket.

On May 23, at around 7 p.m., a deputy was alerted to a vehicle traveling in his direction that was exhibiting suspicious behavior. A few minutes later, the vehicle passed by and according to court records, the deputy pulled in behind it.

In the probable cause affidavit, the deputy testified that almost immediately the vehicle turned onto a side road. The deputy kept going a short distance before pulling over, expecting the driver to make their way back onto the first road believing the deputy had driven off, according to court records.

Within five minutes, court records indicate the deputy testified that the vehicle passed by again, and he pulled out to get behind it. Almost immediately, the vehicle allegedly changed lanes without using a turn signal, court records said. After changing lanes, the driver allegedly turned rapidly into the Sweet Lou’s parking lot without signaling until after they had almost fully completed the turn, the deputy wrote in the probable cause affidavit.

The deputy turned in as well and when he turned his emergency lights on, the driver allegedly quickly accelerated and then aggressively pulled into a parking space, court records contend.

Immediately, the female driver, later identified as Sydney Kolodziej, allegedly exited the vehicle and began sprinting toward the restaurant, ignoring repeated commands to stop, according to court records. She allegedly attempted to enter the building through a side door that was locked and court records said the deputy was able to catch up to her.

When the deputy tried to detain her, Kolodziej allegedly fought back, twisting her arms and attempting to use her body weight to break free from the deputy’s grip, according to court records. Another deputy arrived on scene, at which time she began cooperating and apologizing to deputies, the probable cause affidavit contends.

“When asked about her driving behavior … Kolodziej said she didn’t want a ticket,” the deputy wrote in the probable cause affidavit.

A search of her vehicle and person revealed that no illegal substances were present and Kolodziej did not have any active warrants at the time. Her boyfriend was called to come pick up the vehicle so it would not be towed and Kolodziej was booked for resisting arrest.

A preliminary hearing date is set for June 9.