Saturday, June 01, 2024

Support candidates who support our kids

| November 2, 2023 1:00 AM

The Nov. 7 school board elections in West Bonner and Lake Pend Oreille school districts are critical to our children’s future. Education so much more than the three Rs. Our schools’ programs support the future of our students, community and nation.

Our local public school districts support programs for academic, vocational, technical, and the arts. The schools provide counseling, metal health, co-curricular and physical education. The extracurricular activities support what schools teach in the classroom every day.

Schools are clean, safe, and secure. They provide transportation, have libraries, cafeterias, and athletic facilities. Kids grow and prosper in our schools. The excellent staff are trained educators and positive role models. Support qualified candidates who support public education in North Idaho.

In West Bonner County School District, vote for Margaret Hall in Zone 1, Carlyn Barton in Zone 5, and Elizabeth Glazier in Zone 3.

In Lake Pend Oreille School District, vote for Scott Wood in Zone 1.

