Saturday, June 01, 2024

Hall is the right pick in WBCSD's Zone 1

| November 3, 2023 1:00 AM

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend meet-and-greet events for both District 1 candidates and found the events drastically different.

Alan Galloway demonstrated that he lacks basic school district and community knowledge, as well as Idaho laws and statutes. Furthermore, Mr. Galloway had several individuals hovering around him looking for opportunities to answer questions on his behalf and drum up resentment and unfounded accusations against Margaret Hall.

Ms. Hall’s event was her sitting down and answering questions directly from a larger group of constituents for two hours. She demonstrated she has the qualities we need in a trustee and leader which include the ability to listen to others, good discipline, an understanding of district operations, conflict, and social dynamics, and a history of making hard decisions.

As Mr. Galloway's deceptive signs and misleading flyers spread throughout Zone 1, Ms. Hall has taken the high road to be open and honest. This reflects her character.  

As I see disagreements in our district, I don’t have time to deal with lies and slanderous accusations. More importantly, this dog-and-pony show of partisan politics in the WBCSD needs to end so students can get an education without being traumatized by the process. WBSCD constituents need transparent leadership focused on district operations, inclusion, and empathy, with rigorous analysis of results.

Please join me in supporting the re-election of WBSCD trustee Margaret Hall.

