Saturday, June 01, 2024

It's time to give Simpson the boot

| November 12, 2023 1:00 AM

As everyone knows our Republicans in the House of Representatives couldn't get their act together and elect a Speaker of the House for quite a while. There were some rabble-rousers who probably had a personal vendetta against Jim Jordan.

He would have been good as he has what it takes to get things done. Most others in Congress are the "talk but no action" variety. One of the troublemakers is Rep. Mike Simpson. He was even chastised by the Idaho Republican Party.

I ask you, what has he ever done of significance since being in office? Nothing that I know of except collect his paycheck. My opinion is don't vote for him in the upcoming state primaries. He has his own agenda, not the people of Idaho's agenda. So I will vote to get rid of him, I hope that others do the same. He has been there over 20 years, time to give him the boot.


Priest River