Saturday, June 01, 2024

New creative district launches in Newport

| November 15, 2023 1:00 AM

Newport Creative District, a local 501(c)3 nonprofit, has been certified by the Washington Arts Commission as Washington's newest creative district.

Community comments and support from local agencies, governments, and area residents were key to the launching of the district, officials said.

"Your comments played an integral role in determining our mission 'connecting creativity, economy and culture across community,'" officials said. 

Using survey results, we conducted several events including an Earth Day Art Walk, in which 11 businesses and 30 artisans and crafters participated. Other events, such as the Shamrock Shindig, and an ice cream social, will become annual events. A strategic plan has been drafted that encompasses the next five years.

"Attendance at these events showed that the community is supportive of Newport becoming a creative environment and that positive change can make a difference," officials said. 

Newport's vision is one of a creative and thriving community with shared values of family, community support, quality of life, and safety.

"It takes a village and the whole community is our village," officials said.

With certification, district officials said funds are available to increase the visibility of the community and enhance the appearance of the area to attract locals and visitors.

"People enjoy the rural character of our community and our efforts are designed to attract business and grow the economy," officials said.

Those who wish to join the district, or volunteer, email, or go online to