Saturday, June 01, 2024

Me Too Quilt Squad keeps NHHS newborns warm

| November 22, 2023 1:00 AM

Recently representatives from Newport Community Hospital's Obstetrics Department and NHHS Foundation accepted a heartfelt donation of newborn quilts from the Me Too Quilt Squad. 

The squad donated 12 quilts in September and nine in October. Moving forward, they plan to continue the monthly quilt donations to welcome babies born at Newport Community Hospital.

"What these women do is amazing. Not only are they providing physical comfort for our newborns, they are creating pieces of art," Kimberly Rutland, NHHS perinatal nurse practitioner and OB coordinatorrdinator, said. "Each piece of cloth is hand cut, meticulously arranged to create a unique pattern, then stitched together into a masterpiece. The quilts are certainly made with love. When we gift a quilt to our newborns we gift them with an heirloom filled with comfort and love. The quilts and the hands that make them are truly remarkable and Newport is so blessed by them."

The Me Too Quilt Squad's 23 members meet every second Thursday of each month at the American Lutheran Church.