Saturday, June 01, 2024

Dogs at City Beach may solve goose problem

| November 28, 2023 1:00 AM

Regards to the City Beach goose problem, recent “My Turn” opinion (Daily Bee, Oct. 15) suggesting dog day/off leash policy may be useful idea. Seeing the many attempts in past years that Sandpoint has tried only result in no meaningful improvement to goose poop issue, dogs are worth a try.

Suggesting that city officials look at the program used in Waterton, Mass., (website: to discuss with parks manager on their goose mitigation/city dog project results and specifics. There are website sources that explain best breeds and trainers, etc. 

Such a program could be managed with a few city dogs, for a cost-effective solution. If managed properly, added parks employee(s) and some small kennels on site at city beach seem a great idea. Would offer City Beach a number of benefits to be monitored by staff and on site. We have many dog lovers locally that I bet would volunteer some assistance, too. Improving City Beach usefulness and fixing the poor image would be prosperous to our downtown economy.

So many of us have found other beach/parks for recreating with guests and family due to the goose poop and certainly same for tourists coming once and opting to return to alternate beaches and parks is real issue the city has failed to find solution to.

