Saturday, June 01, 2024

Best choices and the primary election

| April 11, 2024 1:00 AM

Most people picking out a tomato or melon in the grocery store go for the best one for their needs. Are they using it today or tomorrow? How ripe is it? Any blemishes?

Do we take that much time and care when we choose our legislators? Do we bother to think about what their views are and what our needs are? Do we even care enough to vote at all?

There has been a lot of criticism of “RINOs” (Republicans in name only), but by closing the primaries, the Republican Party essentially created RINOs. After being a Democrat all my life, the best choice for me in our District 1 State Senate race is Republican Jim Woodward. His views align closer to mine than his opponent's ever will. He also has been learning about the ripple effect from his prior votes regarding women’s health and I believe that when he wins the upcoming race, he will make better choices. I switched parties to be sure I can vote for Jim but will promptly switch back and support Kathryn Larson and Karen Mathee for the state representatives.

Next time you’re at the grocery store, think about your choices and the upcoming elections!

