Saturday, June 01, 2024

Larry Metzler

| April 12, 2024 1:00 AM

We are extending a heartfelt thank you and kudos to Larry Metzler, the owner of the gorgeous "Gullywomper" just east of Contest Point. My husband became stranded on a hot Friday afternoon this past summer after his boat engine failed just after passing the point. For nearly 45 minutes, he waved a paddle in the air at passing boats to get their attention and seeking help. Larry observed boat after boat just speeding past my 80-year-old husband but until Larry's nephew returned with his own boat but he was unble to help. When Larry was able to get to my husband, he was already showing severe signs of heat exhaustion. With the help of Larry, BCSO Marine Division, and our neighbor, Mr. West, they were able to secure the boat, bring him to our dock and helped him up the stairs to our home near Sourdough Point. My husband, who is battling two different cancers, may have been a victim of heat stroke if not for Larry. Please, boaters, be aware of other boaters who may need assistance while on the lake.