Saturday, June 01, 2024

Discerning the leaven

Jesus used leaven several times as a parable with different meanings.

First, He compared His kingdom to leaven. In Matthew 13:13, Matthew records, “Another parable He spoke to them: “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until it was all leavened." In trying to understand how leaven works, I found that it is a bacteria (yeast) that feeds on the materials in bread and grows, causing the loaf to rise. 

In my opinion, Jesus makes the case that those who carry His kingdom within them (Luke 17:21) will have a natural impact on the world around us, causing it to rise. As Christians, we are to live in such a way that the world is made better, more righteous, and resembles His kingdom. As we consider our lives, our influence, and impact, it should always be in a manner that transforms the world around us like leaven transforms bread. 

Jesus also warned us to beware the leaven of Herod and the leaven of the Pharisees (Mark 8:13-15). These types of leaven are closely linked and can often produce results that are not in alignment with the kingdom of heaven. The leaven of Herod is often called the “political spirit” that believes that our salvation will come through the process and people of politics. The leaven of the Pharisees is often called the “religious spirit” that believes that our adherence to the traditions of man and religious performance will save us. 

Both spirits look to change the world through other means than the unmerited grace of God through faith that changes our lives and produces spiritual fruit. Those who rely on these spirits carry an air of pride and look down on any who disagree with their view of the world. When our reliance for change becomes religious duty and political activism, we can fall prey to not heeding the warnings of Christ to beware these destructive leavens. 

We need our community of faith and to participate in spiritual disciplines. We should also be active in the political process as the Lord leads us, and many need to be made more aware of who/what they are voting for. The key is to not give into these spirits that deceive us into believing that our efforts in these arenas will transform the world for Christ. I believe that if our lives resemble the leaven of the kingdom the changes we long to see will come because believers are actively producing great fruit for the whole world to see, and things will change.

Chris Bassett is the senior pastor at Harvest Valley Worship Center, three miles north of Ponderay on U.S. 95. You can find out more, watch sermons, and connect with their team at