Saturday, June 01, 2024

Coast Guard Auxiliary offering boat safety checks

| May 12, 2024 1:00 AM

With National Safe Boating Week on the horizon, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is encouraging area residents to follow practices to stay safe on the water when out boating.

For several decades, raising awareness of safe boating procedures has helped reduce injuries and fatalities, even as the number of Americans spending time out on the water has continued to grow, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary officials said. Boat operators can continue to reduce the number of water-related accidents through proper preparation and sensible precautions. One such precautionary measure is a free, voluntary vessel safety check conducted by the Coast Guard Auxiliary, which can be an essential first step in ensuring a boat is ready for navigation on the water. 

New boaters can take courses to learn how to ensure that everyone returns from the water safely. Another precaution is life jackets, which are indispensable in preventing drowning, which is the most common cause of boating fatalities. For this reason, every vessel needs to be equipped with proper life jackets for everyone onboard, and they should be worn while on the water.

"This week, we call upon the boating public to get a free vessel safety check to ensure that they are prepared for safe boating experiences," Auxiliary officials said in a press release. "Through preventative measures and responsible behavior, we can help keep everyone out of harm's way while engaging in boating activities on our beautiful lakes and rivers."

To schedule a vessel safety check, fill out an online request form at A Coast Guard Auxiliary vessel examiner will contact those interested to set up a safety check. 

"By taking the necessary steps, we can make our waters even safer for all who enjoy them," officials said.
