Saturday, June 01, 2024

May 21 really does matter

| May 12, 2024 1:00 AM

It seems that “May 21st matters” is the mantra of those in Bonner County who support big government, countless levies, and RINOs already in office.

I’m writing to say that May 21 matters to all of us in Bonner County. We have witnessed a travesty in two of our county commissioners in the last year-and-a-half; shutting down or severely limiting input from the public, seemingly unfettered spot-zoning and approving CUPs that are detrimental to the surrounding land and residents.

Brian Domke is not only, by far, the most qualified for the job of commissioner ( but is in touch with the heart of our community. He will give the voice back to the people and ensure development in our county is done methodically and within the law but also does no harm to the residents and land.

A vote for Brian Domke, District 1, is a vote for bringing the voice of the people and common sense governing to our county. Go check out his website and give him a call, he will answer any question you may have. Be an informed voter. Your vote does matter.


Priest River