Saturday, June 01, 2024

Woodward invests his sweat equity in our community

| May 12, 2024 1:00 AM

When the Sandpoint Nordic Club built the outdoor recreation center up at Pine Street Woods it was a grassroots effort by many local people interested in providing healthy outdoor recreation for people of all ages. 

The building itself, located on Kaniksu Land Trust property, has been used since its creation as a hub to rent cross-country skis, boots, and poles at very low rates to our community.  Building the ORC started with excavating the foundation and preparing the building site for this new community asset.

Jim Woodward spent weeks working with his excavator and other equipment to ready the pad for concrete work. His bill for the work was nearly $15,000 and when the Nordic Club Board, of which I was treasurer, tried to pay him for his work, he shrugged it off and donated his entire effort and materials at no cost to the club. This volunteer work, including the use of so much of his heavy equipment, was so appreciated by all involved.

My point in sharing this act of generosity by Jim Woodward is to remind our community that Jim is here for us to help build up our community and add to it, rather than tear apart and divide our community and take from it. When Jim got his hands dirty every day working the excavator up at Pine Street Woods, he never sought gratitude. A vote for Jim Woodward is a vote for a solid man with honorable intentions seeking to improve our community and our great North Idaho.

